International or Local SightingJohn Starling1 min readQ: Does Ramadan start with the international sighting or local sighting? A: Ramadan starts when the new moon of Ramadan is sighted. If it is seen in one area, everyone else must fast. Source: Hidayat al-Raghib#MoonSighting #HidayatalRaghib
Q: Does Ramadan start with the international sighting or local sighting? A: Ramadan starts when the new moon of Ramadan is sighted. If it is seen in one area, everyone else must fast. Source: Hidayat al-Raghib#MoonSighting #HidayatalRaghib
Fasting on the days of TashriqQ: Is it permissible to fast on the days of Tashriq especially if it is a day that I normally fast such as a Monday, Thursday, or the...
Ramadan Make-Up during Dhul-Hijjah or al-MuharramQ: Is it permissible to make up missed days of Ramadan during the 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah or the first 10 days of al-Muharram? What about...
Fasting All of Sha'banQ: What is the ruling of fasting the entire month of Sha’ban? A: There are numerous ḥadīth that demonstrate the virtue of abundant...