Do I Have to Shake Hands to Give Salam?John Starling1 min readQ: Am I required to shake hands when greeting others and "giving the salams"? A: It is recommended for men to shake the hands of other men and for women to shake the hands of other women. It is, however, not a requirement.Source: Kashaf al-Qina
Q: Am I required to shake hands when greeting others and "giving the salams"? A: It is recommended for men to shake the hands of other men and for women to shake the hands of other women. It is, however, not a requirement.Source: Kashaf al-Qina
Funeral Prayer in AbsentiaQ: What is the ruling on praying the funeral prayer for someone who passed away in another country? A: It is absolutely permissible to...
Gifting Reward to the DeceasedQ: Can I gift the reward of reciting the Qur'an to a deceased relative? A: Any act of piety that is performed by a Muslim and then...
Shaking Hands with the Opposite GenderQ: What is the ruling on shaking hands with the opposite gender? A: It is recommended for men to shake the hands of other men and for...