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Hanbali Disciples

John Starling
1 min read
Grilling Live Fish
Q: Is it permissible to grill a live fish? A: It is impermissible to swallow a live fish and disliked to grill it live because It is...
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John Starling
1 min read
Should the Imam Pause after al-Fatihah?
Q: Should the Imam pause after reading al-Fatihah? A: There are three pauses for the Imam in prayer. 1. Before al-Fatihah in the first...
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John Starling
1 min read
Reciting al-Fatihah in Prayer
Q: Should one recite fatiha in prayer behind the Imam according to the madhab? A: Reciting al-Fatiha is a pillar in each rak'ah of prayer...
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John Starling
1 min read
When Should I Say 'Amin'?
Q: Should one immediately say Amin after the Imam finishes or wait and finish reciting the fatiha after the Imam and then say Amin? A:...
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John Starling
1 min read
Wudu with Braces
Q: Asalam walaykum sheikh. Does wearing invisalign braces (which totally covers the teeth), impede purification? Do they need to be...
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John Starling
1 min read
Sending Zakat Abroad
Q: Can I send my zakat al-mal to another country? A: It is preferred to distrubute your zakat al-mal in your local area. It is...
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John Starling
1 min read
Exceptional Prayers During Prohibited Times
Q: Are there any prayers that can be prayed during the prohibited times? A: The prohibited times include the following; 1. The time of...
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John Starling
1 min read
Fasting in Muharram
Q: What is the ruling on fasting in Muharram? Should I fast the 9th and the 10th? A: It is recommended to fast Allah's month, al-Muharram...
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John Starling
1 min read
Can I hold the Mushaf in prayer?
Q: Is it permissible for me to hold the Quran when I am praying? A: It is permissible to hold the Mushaf/Quran to read from during prayer...
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John Starling
1 min read
Can I break my fast due to travel?
Q: Can I break my fast after having intended to fast the day due of unforseen travel? A: If a resident intends to fast a day in Ramadan...
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John Starling
1 min read
Can I travel in order to break my fast?
Q: Is it allowed to travel in order to break the fast? There is a chili cook-off out of town I want to go to. A: No, it is not permitted...
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John Starling
1 min read
Can I fast while travling?
Q: Can I fast while traveling? I heart it was okay. A: Technically yes, you can fast while traveling. It is however disliked. It is...
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John Starling
1 min read
My parents are very old and have a hard time fasting.
Q: My parents are very old and find it too difficult to fast. Are they allowed to break their fast in Ramadan? A: Yes. If your parents...
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John Starling
1 min read
I intentionally broke my fast and then traveled
Q: I intentionally broke my fast and then decided to travel, am I still afforded the concession to break my fast as a traveler? A: It is...
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John Starling
1 min read
What is the ruling on talking during the Adhan?
Q: What is the ruling on talking during the Adhan? A: The Adhan and the Iqamah must be called in a relatively consecutive manner and...
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John Starling
1 min read
Qunut in Fajr?
Q: Is it okay if the Imam makes qunoot in Fajr prayer? If not, what should I do? The Imam makes it everyday. A: It is disliked to make...
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John Starling
1 min read
How many extra prayers can I make?
Q: I want to pray more than the 5 prayers. How many extra prayers can I make? A: There are many extra prayers you can make. The best are...
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John Starling
1 min read
Where should I put my hands in prayer?
Q: When I go to the masjid, I see people holding their hands in different places during prayer. Which is correct? A: It is preferred that...
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John Starling
1 min read
Prayer just before the time runs out!
Q: Right after I said the takbiratul Ihram for Fajr the timer for its end went off, but I continued and finished the prayer. Was it...
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John Starling
1 min read
Can the dead Muslims see or hear us?
Assalamu alaykum. Can the dead Muslims see or hear us or know about our state or something similar? I heard something like that and it...
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