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Welcome to the home of Hanbali Disciples!

We are a worldwide community of adherents to the mu'tamad/relied upon Hanbali School of Thought in both doctrine and law. 


Hanbali Disciples are a part of a sacred tradition forged by hundreds of God-fearing masters over the course of 1000+ years.

As Hanbali Disciples, we seek to further our awareness of Allah, learn how to better worship Him, and successfully map our spiritual journey to the Hereafter.

As Hanbali Disciples, we help preserve the sacred nature of our faith for generations to come and protect it from perversion, extremism, and newfangled methodologies.​


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Why Become a Disciple?

Why become a Hanbali disciple?


Al-Muwaffaq b. Qudamah said in the introduction of al-Mughni:


"Allah appointed amongst the predecessors of this Ummah Imams from the luminaries.  He paved via them the principles of Islam, and He clarified through them difficult rulings.


Their agreement is clear-cut proof, and their disagreement is a vast mercy. Hearts are revived by hearing about their lives and happiness is attained by following in their footsteps.


Thereafter, He specified a handful from amongst them according to their position and rank (in knowledge and piety) and preserved their mention and their schools of thought.


Thus rulings revolve around their statements and the jurists of Islam refer to their schools to issue verdicts.


And our Imam, Abu Abdallah Ahmad b. Hanbal (may Allah be pleased with him) is from the highest of them in virtue, the closest in his connection to Allah, the most emulous of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and most knowledgeable of his Sunnah, the most minimal in indulging in the Dunya, and the most voluntary worshipper of his Lord.


For this reason, we have chosen his school."

  • There are eight prerequisites which must be met for a valid wudu.
    1. Cessation of what obligates it. Menstrual and postpartum bleeding, urination, etc. must have completely stopped. 2. Intention, a prerequisite for every form of purification except eliminating khabath, etc. The intention should be to remove ritual impurity or to permit prayer, etc. 3. Islām. You must be Muslim! 4. Sanity. 5. Discernment. This is an age when a child is able to distinguish between acts worship and other things. 6. Permissible tahūr water. 7. Removal of what prohibits it from reaching the skin such as heavy dirt, grease, paint, polish, etc. 8. Istinjāʾ if needed.
  • There are six obligations which must be fulfilled for a valid wudu.
    1. Washing the face (which includes the mouth and nose). 2. Washing the hands, and forearms including the elbows. 3. Wiping the entire head and the ears. 4. Washing both feet including the ankles. 5. Sequence. It must be completed in the basic order mentioned here. 6. Continuity. It must be completed in a continuous manner so that there is no significant time between the washing of each limb.
  • Purifying water must be used for wudu.
    Purifying water/Tahūr water is that which eliminates a ḥadath and removes extrinsic impurities. It is that which is in its original state, if only legally deemed so like what has changed due to stagnation, algae, tree leaves, its conduit, etc.
  • There are eight things which invalidate wudu.
    1. Excretion of anything from the urinary or intestinal tract. 2. Excretion of urine or feces from the rest of the body (be it a lot or a little); or excretion of other things such as vomit or blood if considered abundant (relative to each person’s own view). 3. Loss of consciousness (except the dozing of someone standing or sitting). 4. Washing the deceased or a portion thereof. 5. Eating camel meat, even if raw, (a cause which is purely devotional, as its other parts do not invalidate it e.g. drinking its milk or meat stock). 6. Touching an attached human sex organ or anus, even if deceased, with the hand (excluding the testicles and the location of a severed sex organ). 7. The desirous touch of the opposite gender without a barrier (even via extra appendage to another). 8. Apostasy. Source: Bidayat al-Abid

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