Hanbali Disciples

ʿUmdat al-Ṭālib
The Seeker's Mainstay
Manṣūr b. Yunūs b. Idrīs al-Buhūti
ʿUmdat al-Ṭālib, compliant with the official Hanablite canon, covers the full spectrum of topics pertaining to Islamic jurisprudence in a masterfully abridged and accessible manner.
Accordingly, the scholar and expert of the school, Ibn Badrān deemed that, “the Hanbalite instructor’s religious duty was to select either Akhṣar al-Mukhtaṣarāt/The Supreme Synopsis or al-ʿUmdat/The Mainstay by Shaykh Manṣūr as the manual to teach novice pupils.”
This course is currently underway.
Class videos will be added as they become available.
Please return regularly for updates.
Module 1 - Purification
In this module, you will learn about istinja, istijmar, personal hygiene, wudu, wiping over socks, invalidators of wudu, ghusl, tayammum, removal of najasah, impurities, and natural blood of women.
Module 2 - Prayer
In this module, you will learn about the adhan and iqamah, prerequisites, pillars, obligations, and recommendations of prayer, the prostration of forgetfulness, recommended prayers, voluntary prayers, prohibited times of prayer, congregational prayer, Imamship, excuses from the congregation, the prayer of the ill, shortening and combining prayer, Friday prayer, Eid prayer, and more.
Umdat al-Talib - Zakat
Umdat al-Talib - Zakat

Conditions of Zakat - Umdat al-Talib, Zakat 1

Livestock - Umdat al-Talib, Zakat 2

Earthly Yields - Umdat al-Talib, Zakat 3
Module 3 - Zakat
In this module, you will learn about the zakat on livestock, earthly yields, gold and silver, zakat al-fitr, distribution, and charity.
Module 5 - Funerals
In this module, you will learn about washing and shrouding of the deceased, the funeral prayer, burial, and condolences.
Module 6 - Hajj
In this module, you will learn about miqats, ihram, Hajj types, prohibitions of ihram, expiations, appraisal of game animals, the description of Hajj and Umah, hady, udhiyah, and Aqiqah.
Umdat al-Talib - Fasting
Umdat al-Talib - Fasting

Moonsighting - Umdat al-Talib, Fasting 1

Concessions During Ramadan - Umdat al-Talib, Fasting 2

Invalidators of the Fast - Umdat al-Talib, Fasting 3
Module 4 - Fasting
In this module, you will learn about the obligation of fasting, fast invalidators, expiations, recommended acts, voluntary fasts, and ittifak.